Recently I shared my thoughts on starting your first craftivist project online in a number of posts. So that they’d all be in one place, I’m sharing them here, with a bit more context, as I have more room!

First, maybe don’t ask “How can it change the world?”

When you start a new project, craftivist or otherwise, one of the things you may think about is “How can it change the world?” And this is a good thing to think about!

However, I can tell you that it’s highly likely that your next craftivist project will not stop climate change. Does that mean you shouldn’t create work around climate change or strive for it? No!

It does mean that maybe you could think about what other related changes you could work toward. Could you start a dialogue? Could you share facts? Could you pass along resources to learn more? Could you dig into historical relevance or examples of protest? Things like that? Yes! (More on that below.)

Okay, so you might not be able to stop something so intractable as climate change. But… craftivist (and other activist) projects have created change on various scales.

Sometimes change needs to happen inside before you start

One of the great benefits about craft work is that you get to create it in a world unto yourself. You get to stitch or spin or create with yourself as your guide.

That’s rare these days. Having the chance to create something analog in a very digital world. Embrace it.

And because you have the chance to make something by yourself, that means you have the opportunity to play around with the wording or how it looks and only share it when and where you want to.

In that process, you get to listen to yourself about why making your piece of work is important to you. This time can create a bulwark and a buoy against what happens if you share the work with anyone else.

You get to create the meaning of your piece. You get to sit and think about your beliefs.

How to get started

If you’re sitting around crafting and wondering how to make it an act of resistance, here are some ideas:

1. Write down a cause/message you want to share with the world. Think about something you want to say that you can add something of value around in terms of sharing accurate information or personal thoughts or frustrations.

2. Think about how can you incorporate that message into what you’re making. How can it inform, connect, collaborate, educate, further the issue you care about?

3. Remember you can build in public! Maybe that means you talk about that message in your captions, newsletters and on your website, sharing facts about the issue and how people can inform themselves.

But what the heck can I make?

Once you’ve decided what your message is and what you’re going to make, then:

1. Maybe you find a group of other people who feel the same way and start a group project. This is often easier to start your own project and find like-minded people along the way.

2. Maybe you make an item for donation and give your made item to a charity who needs it. Regarding donations, remember to find an organization to donate it to that is requesting said item. Unneeded donations waste everyone’s time! Google can be a great resource to learn who is actively taking what types of donations.

3. Maybe you incorporate your message literally into your made item or on a tag or card that goes with it.

4. Maybe you set an intention to think about while you’re making the object around what changes you’d like to make in your own life. This could be an object that you keep around to look at to keep you on track with the message.

5. Maybe you sell your made item and donate the money to someone in need. Perhaps that’s a local organization or mutual aid group.

6. Maybe you do something else! The possibilities that you can create with your unique skills and message? They are endless.

Some benefits that come with making your work:

  • It can give you a voice while you’re making it
  • The work will reverberate out as a product + photograph
  • It can help other people feel less alone
  • It can help you feel less alone
  • It can educate people (if you share resources!)
  • It can raise money (if you sell/raffle, then donate!)
  • It can channel your anger/sadness/frustration into creativity
  • It can move you from stuck to action
  • And more ❤️

A brief list of some historical examples:

Just a few examples:

This is just a very general overview of what you can do with a combination of your own ideas and your own skills!

You and your work can create conversation and change (just maybe not on an intractable issue?).

The world needs your voice. Share it.