Yep, that’s me.

Hey there! I’m Betsy.

Over the years I’ve been called many things, a crafteran activist, an unsung hero, the godmother of craftivism, among others. I’m also a writer, speaker, brand marketer and workshop facilitator.

All these things ladder up to a body of work that blends and celebrates words, creativity and authenticity in different ways—because sharing our stories helps other people (not to mention clients and customers) connect with us.

Want to know more? Keep reading!

My creative story:

In my early 20s, I learned how to knit. Learning how to make something new from essentially two sticks and string changed everything.

My first scarf wasn’t perfect, but it was mine. The final product proved that I was a maker and had joined a long line of makers that extended from the past into the future. I was part of a creative continuum.

This spark started work that combines words and craft in numerous ways. I began writing publicly after I found that I wanted to share my voice through needlework. Sharing my voice with stitched work showed me that it could be safe to share my written work too.

Simultaneously, I started researching how craft had been used as a vehicle for protest, personal agency, transformation and healing, which led to many invitations to speak, write and hold workshops all over the world.

How my work works together:

My writing, editing, marketing and creative experiences work in tandem to celebrate the words and work of others. Jointly, these skills allow me to help busy creatives and businesses create content from a place of authority, curiosity and conversation—because content needs those things to succeed and draw people in.

What I’m always on the lookout for:

I’m always looking for new collaborations, clients, projects and like-minded people to know, so if you have ideas about how we might work together or just want to say hi, send me an email!

Work experience:

In full-time positions, I’ve most recently worked in higher education media relations; edited and published apparel factory audits written by people all over the globe in the labor industry; and managed the Spoonflower blog as part of their brand marketing team.

What I’m excited about when it comes to work is finding new ways to tell and share stories. Having worked with and written for the media, edited the words of others and championed what many people are up to means that I don’t only know what to say—I also know how, when and where to say it.


After getting my B.A. in English literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, I received my M.A. in sociology from Goldsmiths, University of London. My dissertation was on knitting, DIY culture and community development and I had the great fortune of assisting with knitting workshops all over London. What’s my biggest takeaway since graduation? That humans can thrive when we find our people, even more so when we have a creative outlet that lets us learn, grow and communicate.